Tvrtko Jakovina (MA, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Dr. phil. 2003 University of Zagreb) is tenured professor at the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb and guest-lecturer at Istituto per l’Europa centro-orientale e balcanica, University of Bologna. He was a research visiting fellow at the LSE, Fulbright visiting scholar at the Georgetown University.

His publicatsions include: “Socialism on the American Grain” /Socijalizam na američkoj pšenici/ (2002), “The American Communist Ally. Croats, Tito’s Yugoslavia and the United States 1945-1955” /Američki komunistički saveznik; Hrvati, Titova Jugoslavija i Sjedinjene Američke Države 1945-1955/ (2003), “The Third Side of The Cold War” /Treća strana Hladnog rata/ (2011), “Moments of Catharsis. Breaking Events in XXth Century” /Trenuci katarze. Prijelomni događaji XX stoljeća/ (2013), “Budimir Lončar – From Preko to the top od the World. Biography” /Budimir Lončar – Od Preka do vrha svijeta. Biografija/ (2020); “The World withouth Catharsis” /Svijet bez katarze/ (2023).

He has edited “Croatian Spring – 40 years Later” /Hrvatsko proljeće, četrdeset godina poslije/ (2012), “25 Years of Croatian Independence – What is Next?” /25 godina hrvatske neovisnosti – kako dalje?/ (2017) and The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After (with Martin Previšić; FFZG i FF Ljubljana, 2020).

Jakovina authored many articles dealing with the foreign policy of Tito’s Yugoslavia and Croatian history in 20th century. He is member of the Board of the Croatian-American Association, Management Board President of the Center for Democracy and Law “Miko Tripalo” and a member of several editorial boards. He regularly contributes for daily newspaper Jutarnji list and occasionally for weekly Globus in Zagreb. From 2013 to 2016 he was anchor of Croatian Television show “Treća povijest” /Third History/.